Dance Amongst the Stars

I dance to listen to the beats of my mind, 

I dance to understand the rhythm of my soul. 

Every step I take, reveals a facade within 

For when I dance, the world seems a finer place. 

I dance when my heart is restlessly swaying about 

I dance to swim across the melodic waves 

Thrusting my body across the seas 

To a universe well-hidden for the eye to behold. 

I dance to explore the realms within me 

I dance to unravel the mystery of art

Every day, our paths cross 

In the lanes of imagination

Awaiting the sands of time. 

I dance not for the world to witness 

I dance with you to see you in me 

As our lives forge ahead into the beyond 

I dance for the surreal worlds in my head.

I dance for the winds to stay 

I dance for the divine

I dance for the devoured blessing

I dance amongst the stars

I dance for the body and soul

I dance to live

I dance,

For all I know 

Is to Dance…

|| An utterance ||

A reminder of parallels of “what might have been”
In universes that had starry seas and wavy suns
Was the mistake, mine or yours?

What if I said I missed you?
I think 3 generations of butterflies passed
And yet, we are stuck
In the loophole of Egos and past lives
In a vicious circle like a pack of wolves.
Threatening every ounce of our love,
Long suppressed in a bottle, lost in the woods.

What if I missed you more?
Amidst the silence that lingered
Between dinner laughs laced with small talk,
And periodical ticks of the vintage clock.
I hear your chuckles and sighs
Echoing in hallways of forgotten memories.
I sense the water dripping off in the distance
A reminder of parallels of “what might have been”
In universes that had starry seas and wavy suns
Was the mistake, mine or yours?
Questions remain unanswered
Like cords of a landline forever tangled
As I swim across this seashore of people.

I don’t know if I miss you really
Or the image of you and I in my head
Do you think of us, on holidays?
Of what would have been a terrific
Downfall of a romance.
Winning against odds like champions
Yet, grounded in faults,
Like asymmetrical track paths
On a dewy morning sprinkled with canopy light.

Even after all this time;
I miss you enough,
To kiss the night air and utter
Your name like it was mine,
As I drive through the silent, curvy road.

– Srividya Vanamamalai

Canopy light & Shadow. #ShotoniPhone

முதல் பயணம். First journey.

As the train departs, wheels tramp
Your bracelets jingle like a whisper
Like typical filmy stars, hazy
And lost in a world of our own,
Sprinting, with suitcases in palms
My friend, “Can I hold your hand?”

A journey begins in the dawn light
With the morning moon, a witness
The “Right place” is a constant change
A myth created by disillusioned lovers
To stay or not to stay beyond skies
My love, “Can I tuck your hair behind your ears?”

A journey of firsts and nothings embarks
Ignited in a phase of admirations
And travelling across stars by metaphors
A breeze wakes me up from my daze
As I stare into your eyes, fascinations
Possess my very being and soul
To ask, “Can we share our first kiss?”
What are we if not dispersed stars
Aspiring to be shooting stars in the multiverse!

Half century old Secunderabad Railway Station
Where journeys began in life… Shot on iPhone!