|| Pathways ||

Shot on iPhone.

“Can we take this road?” I ask of him.

Him is a shorter way to describe this mysterious specimen. I thought I was the Orangutan who’s run away from the zoo, left out in the wild wild world. But looks like his parents took a chance with him too. As we navigated through the lost path, we got talking. Talking about this and that, the weather, our roots and what got us here, to this particular point in life. “What can I say, I’m just going where the road takes me”, he said, half smiling. The way his lips smile but his eyes don’t, rather having a pinch of menace in them reminds of Appa. A strange connection to make, I thought to myself.

Zigzagging our way over thorns and small pebbles, awkward silences didn’t brood over our heads for long. A string of words flowed occasionally, it was one of those moments where talking felt like a solace to the heart and mind. Maybe not for his, but he played along anyway. The wilderness of the towering trees and dry grass wilted in the woods soaked us in. We make momentary connections with certain people, a spark where we think, or maybe assume we live on the same plane. He was one of them, but oh my, how wrong was I in my warped head, for eventually, time like always, proved me wrong.

We are now diverging nearly at the end of the woods, my “momentary” friend. If destiny permits, I hope our paths cross to strengthen and ignite a deeper meaning to this chance encounter. Until then…

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