Dance Amongst the Stars

I dance to listen to the beats of my mind, 

I dance to understand the rhythm of my soul. 

Every step I take, reveals a facade within 

For when I dance, the world seems a finer place. 

I dance when my heart is restlessly swaying about 

I dance to swim across the melodic waves 

Thrusting my body across the seas 

To a universe well-hidden for the eye to behold. 

I dance to explore the realms within me 

I dance to unravel the mystery of art

Every day, our paths cross 

In the lanes of imagination

Awaiting the sands of time. 

I dance not for the world to witness 

I dance with you to see you in me 

As our lives forge ahead into the beyond 

I dance for the surreal worlds in my head.

I dance for the winds to stay 

I dance for the divine

I dance for the devoured blessing

I dance amongst the stars

I dance for the body and soul

I dance to live

I dance,

For all I know 

Is to Dance…

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